Important dates


1 November

The new parliament assembles.

6 November

The Russian provisional government issues a manifesto in which it decides to relinquish the rulership of Finland with the exception of foreign affairs.

7 November

The “October Revolution” begins in Russia and the Bolsheviks led by V. I. Lenin seize power. The Finnish Senate does not recognise the new Russian government as the holder of supreme power in the country.

8 November

The Social Democrat leaders and the Bolshevik Regional Council in Helsinki hold a joint meeting in the former Imperial Palace. The Bolsheviks call upon the Finnish socialists to follow the example of St. Petersburg.

14–20 November

In Finland, a general strike is declared to bolster the demands of the Social Democrats.

15 November

The parliament declares itself the holder of supreme power in Finland. The plenary session approves the Agrarian League’s proposal to transfer the supreme power of the Emperor-Grand Duke to the Finnish Parliament.

16 November

The parliament ratifies the municipal laws and the eight-hour working day law. The Revolutionary Council meets at the People’s House, but the revolution plan is ultimately abandoned. However, the Helsinki Red Guard occupies the Senate House and the State Provincial Office of Uusimaa.

19 November

The Workers’ Revolutionary Central Committee orders the general strike to end. The main demands presented to the parliament by the Social Democrats had been met. However, unrest continues in different parts of the country.

27 November

The parliament approves P. E. Svinhufvud’s senator list with 100 votes for and 80 against.  Svinhufvud is appointed Chairman of the Senate, which consists of members of non-socialist parties.