The website is produced by the Helsinki Finnish Club, with Prof. Martti Häikiö as Editor-in-Chief and Dr. Jouko Kokkonen as the Managing Editor. Essi Ylitalo, M.A., participated in the website project. The steering committee for the website set up by the Finnish Club includes Principal Ari Huovinen as Chairman, the Club’s Executive Director Raimo Ilveskero, Colonel Pekka Rapila and Professor Martti Häikiö.
Technical design was provided by Edita Publishing’s team, led by Account Manager Raimo Savolainen, Docent and Doctor of Political Science. The technical design was headed by Juha Stenroos, Development Manager, and the layout of the site was designed by art director, graphic designer Petteri Kivekäs. Web editor Jenni Kotilainen, B.B.A., and web editor Hanna Ahlavuo placed the materials on the website.
Funding for the project comes for the most part from Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation. In addition, the website project has been supported financially by Alfred Kordelin Foundation, Uuden Päivän Rahasto, Svenska kulturfonden, Sotavahinkosäätiö, P. E. Svinhufvud Memorial Fund, Teollisuuden- ja liikkeenharjoittajain Seura Pamaus ry and Vapaussodan Invalidien muistosäätiö.
We would like to express our gratitude to the following archives for their friendly cooperation. Library of Parliament, City of Helsinki – Urban Facts, Helsinki University Museum, Museum of Huittinen, National Audiovisual Institute KAVI, National Archives of Finland, National Library of Finland, Kansan Arkisto (The People’s Archives), Centre Party and Rural Archives, City of Kiuruvesi and Kiuruvesi local heritage association, Museum centre Vapriikki, National Board of Antiquities, Nurmes Museum, Porvarillisen Työn Arkisto (Archives of the Organizations of the National Coalition Party), National Biography of Finland, Sports Museum of Finland, Työväen Arkisto (Labour Archives), Finnish Labour Museum Werstas, Urho Kekkonen’s Archives, and Varkaus Museum.
The Heritage Society of the 27th Jäger Battalion has donated to the project the photographic material on their website. The memorial fund Vapaussodan Invalidien Muistosäätiö has released their Vapaussota multimedia materials for the project. The chronology of the Suomi 80 website of the University of Tampere has been used as a source with the permission of the publisher for the chronology of 1917–1918.
Helsinki Finnish Club wishes to express its gratitude to all those who have supported the project. Previously, Helsinki Finnish Club has produced websites on C.G. Mannerheim, Jean Sibelius and Arvo Ylppö. The Club is a non-profit cultural community whose ideological foundations are rooted in the concept of Finnishness.